ONE Staff / June 10th, 2024 / Spotlight
#27 FEATURE: Sam Crofts (Excerpt)

Take another look at one of the tricks Sam Crofts put down for his Issue #27 interview, and get a peak at some of the backstory he shares when James Bower asks about how he ended up moving to Barcelona after an inspiring visit with Nick Lomax when he was still on the come up. The whole interview is a great read but enjoy this excerpt:

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James Bower: By now you’ve spent some time in London, creating the start of a career. Filmed some good sections, and picked up some great sponsors from Rollerblade to USD, which is obviously where you wanted to be as you moved quite quickly. But you then decided to move to Barcelona? How was that time in Barcelona and why did you move there?

Sam Crofts: My time in Barcelona was incredible, some of the best days skating of my life. I moved there as I was at a junction in my life, where I’d finished university and now seriously wanted to pursue skating. At the time that seemed completely impossible in London as I’d struggled so hard to get by since graduating 6 months earlier. I popped out to Barcelona to visit Nick (Lomax) in January 2015 and skate for a week. I pretty much instantly fell in love with the place, and realizing that’s where I wanted to be, and that with my new qualifications I could easily survive. I flew home, quit my job, and applied for a new job in Barcelona as an English language teacher, working at a night school. That got approved in three days, hahah, so I moved to Barcelona the following week. I remember Nick laughing so hard that I was back just one week after deciding I wanted to live there.

Booting Up

[The END]

Photos by Sam Cooper

Discussion / #27 FEATURE: Sam Crofts (Excerpt)

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