ONE Staff / May 10th, 2024 / Spotlight
#27 PREVIEW: Martin Gade
Zerospin Fishbrain

Anyone that has bladed for awhile should be aware of the rich past and important role that Australia has played in the global skate community. From OG pioneers to contemporary shredders like CJ Wellsmore, the continent has made more than its fair share of contributions to blading. So it’s no surprise that a member of the current generation is leaving their mark on the scene — even if that skater is Martin Gade, a transplant from Denmark! All credit for this profile goes to photographer Hayden Golder, who pitched the idea during Issue #27 planning stages and then made it happen. At the time we didn’t know a whole lot about Martin’s skating, or how to pronounce his deceptively-spelled name, which author Chris Pullar thankfully cleared up while writing an excellent profile piece for the magazine (Spoiler Alert: It’s correctly pronounced “Garder”). Now it seems like the ride is just starting, with Martin landing a profile in Issue #27 and then taking 3rd place in the Blading Cup Asia open division. Not bad! Now keep your eyes open for more from Martin and check out his photos in the new mag.

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Pick up ONE #27 HERE

[The END]

Photos by Hayden Golder

Discussion / #27 PREVIEW: Martin Gade

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